Children's Nursery Rhymes & Favourite Songs - lyrics, history, music & more...


Children's Nursery Rhymes & Favourite Songs - lyrics, history, music & more...

Early Learning Fun                                                                                                                                                                kidsmusicnurseryrhymes

Fun Learning

Music and song help to make early learning enjoyable and entertaining

Singing along with songs makes early learning fun - alphabet, first words, numbers, times tables are just some of the subjects.

Hop On The Numbers Train

Hop on the numbers train

We’ll go round and round again

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Eight, and nine, and ten

A kidsmusic original song

Written, arranged and produced by Pauline Burr

Published by CYP Music

Chook Chook

Chook, chook, chook, chook, chook

Good morning Mrs Hen

How many chickens have you got?

Madam, I’ve got ten

Two of them are yellow, two of them are brown

Six of them are speckled, but the finest in the town

2 + 2 + 6 = 10

Link to YouTube video

Clicking the button above will take you to the 'hop on the numbers train' video on YouTube


          There are many kidsmusic song videos available which can help make early learning fun

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