Material is being added to this site on a regular basis. There are many nursery rhymes and songs and it will take time to provide a comprehensive library of lyrics.
Music For Children kidsmusicnurseryrhymes
Songs and music are a fundamental part of a child's early years development.
From a very early age they enjoy, and are encouraged to join in with, traditional nursery rhymes and children's much-loved favourite songs.
Babies and toddlers are introduced to rhythm, melody and sound-makers, through the use of shakers, bells and other types of musical toys. Communication between adults and babies often have one-to-one musical interaction, such as a parent singing to their child. Settings with carers, daycare centres, are likely to include stimulating musical participation, often a way in which communication amongst children begins. It crosses cultures, stimulates the mind, helps to improve motor skills, social skills and language development. As they grow older action songs promote physical activity to encourage exercise and general well-being - 'if you're happy and you know it, stamp your feet!'
'This Little Piggy' - an engaging experience for little ones.
Unless otherwise stated, all website content -
text, images, song lyrics, etc,
/ / CYP Limited
Songs are published by CYP Music Limited